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  • Featured speaker and moderator of the "Movies & Video Games Press Play in The Middle East" panel that I helped form at the first ever C3 Summit in New York City held on September 13-14, 2012 featuring President Clinton as the Keynote and a host of industry and government dignitaries.
  • Guest Lecturer at the "Digital Games: Playing In The Valley" Symposium held on March 15, 2012 at Hampshire College as part of a statewide video game industry initiative supported by The Governor's Office,  the State of Massachusetts and MassDiGI.
  • Served as inaugural member and Special Advisor on international strategic initiatives to the Board of Directors of the Western Massachusetts Software Association, in collaboration with the University of Masschusetts - Amherst; Mission Leader to CeBIT, Hannover, Germany - the largest technology trade fair in the world.
  • Member of the International Trade Council of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (ITCPVP); led the team that crafted the their strategic vision. The ITCPVP reports to the Massachusetts Governor's Office.
  • Served on the Board of Directors of the Western Massachusetts International Trade Association.
  • Member of the Software & Information Association (SIIA) [formerly known as the Software Publishers Association] Washington, D.C. and, served at the Board level of the SIIA International SIG (Special Interest Group).
  • Lectured at the World Trade Institute in New York City and various AMCHAMs throughout the world on topics ranging from Export Marketing to International Trade Promotion.

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